Logan - Emma Payne Krogue, 95, "Returned Home" on November 27, 2009 after spending the last 5 ½ years in the Logan Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. When hot August days came Frank Payne would take his faithful team of horses and head to the Paris bottoms where he would camp all week in order to put up another crop of hay. He left his wife, Mary Ann at home to feed and milk the cows, feed the chickens and the pigs, and work in the garden. She had to chop wood to build a roaring fire to boil water to wash cloths in and to preserve garden foods. On such a day, August 12, 1914 true brother Albert did Mary Ann's chores neighbors even helped one another back then then mounted his horse and rode to Paris bottoms. "Frank you are the new father of a baby girl, Emma," he exclaimed. Emma loved to work beside her mother whether it be cleaning the chicken coop or gardening. They were best friends. Emma received a good education by completing all eight grades at the Bloomington 4-room school. She attended Paris Academy before it burned down. School was then held at any available space in Paris while the new Fielding Academy was being built. It too is down now. She loved drama and elocution and learned many readings many of which she could still recite. She was a spiritual, sincere type of girl and served her church as a lady missionary. She was a success. Her mission was extended twice. She loved music and sang over the radio while on her mission. She sang duets all around Bear Lake with her friend and relative, Dean Ward. She was always a member of a ward choir. Emma is survived by her son Lee Krogue of Logan Graveside services will be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 in the Bloomington, ID Cemetery at 1:00 p.m. Condolences may be extended to the family online at